Cèilidh a Bhaile Mhòr
Buy now- Date
- 26th Jan 2025
- Time
- 7.30pm
- Where
- The National Piping Centre
- Price
- £17.92* includes booking fee
- Age restrictions
- Under 16s must be accompanied by an adult.
- Seating Type
- Seated
Tadhailibh oirnn san Ionad Phìobaireachd airson beagan òrain, sgeulachdan agus beul-aithris Gàidhlig a chluinntinn mu eachdraidh Ghlaschu mar a bha, a tha agus a bhios san àm ri teachd. Le cèilidh traidiseanta a’ toirt aoigheachd do dh’àireamh de luchd-ealain aithnichte Gàidhlig, tha sinn a’ comharrachadh an eòlais cho-roinnte is choitcheann an làthair aig cridhe a’ chèilidh. Cho math ri gnìomhadh air àrd-ùrlar agus beagan dannsa, tha sibh làn di-beathte òran a ghabhail cuideachd, mar a thuirt Seumas MacEunraig nach maireann, nach eil e dìreach mu na h-òrain fhèin – ged a tha iad cudromach – ach mu dheidhinn a bhith gan seinn còmhla.
Bidh an tachartas seo sa mhòr-chuid ann an Gàidhlig, ach bidh fàilte romhaibh uile.
Visit us at the Piping Centre for some songs, stories and Gaelic folklore around Glasgow’s past, present and future. A traditional Gaelic cèilidh gathering with a host of well-known Gaelic artists - we celebrate the shared and common experience of the lived moment of the cèilidh. Along with performance, and a wee bit of dancing you are invited to gabh orain too, as Hamish Henderson asserted It not just about the songs themselves – although these were of course important – but it’s about the singing of them together.
This event will mostly be in Gaelic but all are welcome.
This project is supported by Maoin nan Ealan Gàidhlig, funded by Creative Scotland through the National Lottery with additional support from Bòrd na Gàidhlig.